• Ebook New silk road business Chinese I (新丝路高级速成商务汉语 I)

    Ebook New silk road business Chinese I (新丝路高级速成商务汉语 I)

    Ebook "New silk road business Chinese I (新丝路高级速成商务汉语 I)" for elementary (upper and lower), intermediate (upper and lower) and advanced (upper and lower) is compiled by the teachers of the college during the long-term cooperation with New Channel School, combining theory and practice, teaching materials.

     141 p dainam 27/01/2024 21 0

  • Ebook New silk road business Chinese II (新丝路高级速成商务汉语 II)

    Ebook New silk road business Chinese II (新丝路高级速成商务汉语 II)

    Book "New silk road business Chinese II (新丝路高级速成商务汉语 II)" for elementary (upper and lower), intermediate (upper and lower) and advanced (upper and lower) is compiled by the teachers of the college during the long-term cooperation with New Channel School, combining theory and practice, teaching materials. We invite you to consult!

     152 p dainam 27/01/2024 22 0

  • 汉语口语速成 基础篇

    汉语口语速成 基础篇

    汉语口语速成 基础篇

     266 p dainam 23/01/2024 35 0

  • 汉语口语速成 中级篇

    汉语口语速成 中级篇

    汉语口语速成 中级篇

     0 p dainam 23/01/2024 38 0

  • 看图说话 下册

    看图说话 下册

    对外汉语本科系列教材 语言执箴类(-年纵) 看图说话 下册 丁永寿编绘译 Bff;' ,1: τ守:~去玄大寻也 nó. iι ."至画. BEIJING LANGUAGE AND CULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS …_ 圄书在版编目 (CIP )数据 看图说话一年级·下/丁永寿编绘译. 一北京:北京语言大学出版社, 2008 重印 对外汉语本科系列教材 ISBN 978 -7 -5619 -1008-5 I.看… II. 丁…...

     179 p dainam 17/01/2024 36 0

  • 语言研究201论汉语禁忌语的分类及语用特征刘希(江汉大


    语言研究 2011.12 学教育 论汉语禁忌语的分类及语用特征 刘 希 (江汉大学外国语学院, 湖北 武汉 430056) [摘 要] “禁忌是人们为了避免某种臆想的超自然力量或危险事物所带来的灾祸,从而对某种人、物、 言、行的限制或自我回避。 ” 从词源看,禁忌语 (taboo) 来自太平洋群岛波利尼西亚的汤加语,当地的习俗严...

     1 p dainam 17/01/2024 36 0

  • 公司汉语


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  • 旅游学概论


     339 p dainam 17/01/2024 21 0

  • 中国旅游发展分析与预测


     445 p dainam 17/01/2024 18 0

  • 口译:理论 技巧 实践

    口译:理论 技巧 实践

     442 p dainam 17/01/2024 20 0

  • 越汉翻译教程


    vn et. a.n ho ng .tie ww w vn et. a.n ho ng tie w. ww vn et. a.n ho ng tie w. ww vn et. a.n ho ng tie w. ww vn et. a.n ho ng tie w. ww

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  • 实用汉越互译技巧


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