.1. Foreword2. Prefacea. Audienceb. Assumptions This Book Makesc. Contents of This Bookd.

1. Foreword
2. Preface
a. Audience
b. Assumptions This Book Makes
c. Contents of This Book
d. Conventions Used in This Book
e. O’Reilly Online Learning
f. How to Contact Us
g. Acknowledgments
i. Kevin Tatroe
ii. Peter MacIntyre
3. 1. Introduction to PHP
a. What Does PHP Do?
b. A Brief History of PHP
i. The Evolution of PHP
ii. The Widespread Use of PHP
c. Installing PHP
d. A Walk Through PHP
i. Configuration Page
ii. Forms
iii. Databases
iv. Graphics
e. What’s Next
4. 2. Language Basics
a. Lexical Structure

i. Case Sensitivity
ii. Statements and Semicolons
iii. Whitespace and Line Breaks
iv. Comments
v. Literals
vi. Identifiers
vii. Keywords
b. Data Types
i. Integers
ii. Floating-Point Numbers
iii. Strings
iv. Booleans
v. Arrays
vi. Objects
vii. Resources
viii. Callbacks
ix. NULL
c. Variables
i. Variable Variables
ii. Variable References
iii. Variable Scope
iv. Garbage Collection
d. Expressions and Operators
i. Number of Operands
ii. Operator Precedence
iii. Operator

Từ khóa: programming

742 p phamthihangnga 17/01/2024 42 0

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